
How Windows can Lower your Power Bill

Unbeknown to many homeowners looking to reduce energy costs, windows are a large contributor to the quarterly power bill. This can be attributed to their tendency to leak cold or warm air.

Windows are an indispensable part of any building: residential and ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved


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Tinting the windows is another useful treatment. Tinting reflects the suns rays and keeps a house cooler in the hot, summer months. This idea is often applied to roofing, where white or light coloured paint helps to reflect heat from the sun. The final treatment to consider is the selection of curtains or blinds.

Thick, insulating blind 1% curtains or roman shades reduce heat loss through windows in winter and insulation in the summer time by deflecting the sun and ; margin-right: 2 absorbing the heat of sunlight before it enters through the windows. Blinds permit a certain amount of luxuriant in-tranquility in a home environment while still providing a degree of privacy; a characteristic not possessed by open drapes.

If window treatments are precluded for 0AErrPage some reason then one might look at out sacrificing home aesthetics as much to view out into surrounding windows and horizons consider the use of one-way films” which can filter incoming sunshine but NOT outgoing visible light and heat radiation while providing a private space to be able think introspectively without allowing intrusive visual awareness from outside It is effective as a separation and visual barrier from the external surroundings when used in the curtain panels of a room divider this is especially useful when one (whether living alone or with roommates) needs a quiet focused space for concentrated thinking.