Strategies for Improving Energy Efficiency in the Home
Energy efficiency is a major priority for many homeowners who want to cut their energy costs and
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LED lighting
According to a LED expert witness, using green lighting options such as light-emitting diodes (LED) and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) can help the ; } /* Page displayed body content area */ #content { padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; } /* General text */ p { } /* error brief description */ #error p { } /* some data which may have caused the problem */ #data { } /* the error message received from the system or other software */ #sysmsg { } pre { font-family:sans-serif; } /* special event: FTP / Gopher directory listing */ #dirmsg { font-family: courier; color: black; font-size: 10pt; } #dirlisting { margin-left: 2 household save a considerable amount on the electricity bill. LEDs tend to ; } #dirlisting tr.entry td.icon,td.filename,td.size, { border-bottom: groove; } #dirlisting td.size { width: 50px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; } /* horizontal lines */ hr { margin: 0; } /* page displayed footer area */ #footer { font-size: 9px; padding-left: 10px; } body :lang(fa) { direction: rtl; font-size: 100 be more expensive than CFLs, but they are more energy efficient.
Older thermostats can have poor energy efficiency. Given that heating and cooling the home can take up a large proportion of the electricity bill, upgrading a very old thermostat can help boost energy efficiency as well as make the ; margin-right: 2 home much more comfortable.