Saving on Refrigerator Electricity
The fridge is one of the staple appliances in the ; } /* Page displayed body content area */ #content { padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; } /* General text */ p { } /* error brief description */ #error p { } /* some data which may have caused the problem */ #data { } /* the error message received from the system or other software */ #sysmsg { } pre { font-family:sans-serif; } /* special event: FTP / Gopher directory listing */ #dirmsg { font-family: courier; color: black; font-size: 10pt; } #dirlisting { margin-left: 2 family home and
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This results in higher electricity consumption and a high utilities bill. According to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida, taking more care when opening the fridge door and minimising ‘open door’ time can save householders a staggering 50 to 129kWh each year, reported Good Housekeeping.