
The History of TV Antennas

shutterstock_69568972From primitive beginnings, the television antenna has evolved along with television itself, and this article takes a brief look at 20ERR_DNS_FAIL how tv antennas have changed over the ; margin-right: 2 years.

What is a TV antenna?

A television antenna or aerial is a device that is designed to 20ERR_DNS_FAIL&body=CacheHost receive television signals being broadcast over the air waves. Television antennas can be either indoor or outdoor, with indoor antennas mounted on top of

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  • Corner – which uses two flat surfaces to increase bandwidth at the expense of gain.
  • Paraboloid – which is a satellite dish used to pick up signals from satellites.
  • The other common type of television antenna is the yagi antenna. This is a directional antenna that has several different elements, including a reflector and a number of directors, which are all connected by a boom.

    It is a narrowband antenna intended for picking up only one frequency and the more directors it contains (and the longer the boom), the more accurate its beamwidth and the higher the gain.

    Just as the television has evolved from the cathode ray tube to the high definition flat screen, so the tv antenna has evolved along with it, from the humble rabbit ears to the satellite dish. As to what tomorrow’s televisions and antennas will look like, we can only imagine, so we’ll just have to 20localhost read more, stay tuned and see.