

How To Put Out a Fire Without a Fire Extinguisher

Kitchen on fire

Most fires happen unexpectedly in a home, as reported on the Singleton Law Firm website that also gives statistics on wildfires. Whether you have a poor electrical system or your fire is started while you are cooking, you will have to think fast. Many people do not keep fire extinguishers in their home because they think that a fire will never happen to them. Although it is very important to own a fire extinguisher and ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved


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    A. Maintenance Program

    A well-executed maintenance program can provide the following benefits:

    1. Longer life of switchboard and fewer replacements;
    2. Reduced time on 5Bnone repairs and overhauls, and the option of scheduling them at an opportune time;
    3. Fewer failures with unexpected outages;
    4. Timely detection of any undesirable operating conditions which require correction;
    5. Improved plant performance and increased operating economies

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    Seven Electrical Safety habits for a Safer Workplace

    Seven Electrical Safety Habits for a Safer Workplace

    Fact: One person is electrocuted every day in the workplace.

    Fact: More people in the 25- to 44-year-old age group are electrocuted in the workplace than any other age group.

    The above statistics are sobering, surprising, and worrisome. Every employer wants to protect their employees in the work environment, but it is often a matter of “how can we make the workplace safer” rather than “do I really need to make it safer”, and that’s why having the right safety equipment for  different types of work is important. You are reading this because you area looking for some electrical contractor job postings, and as such, you should understand this ahead of time. Look at the list of safety habits we have put together and try to learn them, and their reasons for being put into place. That way you can understand that employers will do what they can to ensure workers are safe, and they want to know what can be done to make that happen.


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    Smoke Alarms!


    Smoke alarms are a must and ; font-family: Tahoma, Roya, sans-serif; float: right; } :lang(he) { direction: rtl; float: right; } -->


    The requested URL could not be retrieved

    The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: no home should be without them.

    iStock smoke detector

     Hard Wired Smoke Alarms
    A hard wired smoke alarm is a 240 volt smoke alarm that is directly connected to the home’s electricity supply. It also has a battery backup in the event of 20ERR_DNS_FAIL a blackout.  The battery is long life lithium and it is fully built in so that it cannot be tampered with or removed.
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    4 ways in which noise can enter a signal cable and its control – Part 2


    Electromagnetic induction and RFI

    In previous part of this technical article, I wrote about 20does electrical noise occurs or is transmitted into a signal cable system in the following four ways:

    Galvanic (direct electrical contact) – part 1
    Electrostatic coupling – part 1
    Electromagnetic induction
    Radio frequency interference (RFI)
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