
How To Put Out a Fire Without a Fire Extinguisher

Kitchen on fire

Most fires happen unexpectedly in a home, as reported on the Singleton Law Firm website that also gives statistics on

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Baking Soda: This is a common ingredient that is found in most homes in the pantry. When baking soda is heated it produces CO2 gas, which is found in a fire extinguisher. Since the fire is getting carbon dioxide, it is not receiving the amount of oxygen it needs for the fire to stay burning. Simply pour as much baking soda that is needed to put the ; margin-right: 2 fire out.

Lastly, if you are unable to put out the fire by yourself and it starts spreading across your home, make sure to call the firefighters as soon as possible.  They may have to knock down a wall or even break some windows in order to fight the flames and get everything under control as quickly as possible. Just be sure to get assistance on fire damage insurance claims once the fire has been handled, this will help you get coverage for all the damages a lot quicker.